
The official #NationalLoveYourPetDay is February 20th, but for our employees, it's every day! To celebrate, we asked our employees to share their favorite pictures & stories of their furry and spiky best friends.

Split 1 Jason (Senior Digital Marketing Manager) and his dog Jasper

“Jasper is a French Bulldog and my very best buddy. My fiance and I got Jasper about three years ago, shortly after we moved in together. I can always count on Jasper to make my day a million times better with his never ending cuddles and companionship. Fun fact: Jasper is a Halloween baby and always has a costume party with his best fur-riends”

Split 1 Jenny (VP, eCommerce and Marketing) & her cat Pedro

“Pedro is my best bud. He was rescued from the streets of Boston, and has lived with me for about 5 years now. He’s definitely become much cuddlier and warmer over the years … but he did catch a NYC pigeon from inside my apartment window one time, so his predator instincts are still there. He cracks me up.”

Danielle's (Customer Service Representative) Grandpup Gnocchi

“This is Gnocchi, my daughter and son-in-law’s 3 year old Havapoo (Havanese/Poodle) mix. He loves people and the attention they give him. He enjoys play dates with his neighbor Molly, walks with his friends and chicken treats. When Britni and Justin got engaged, he was delighted to let the world know. As you can see, their wedding day would not have been complete without him being there. 😊"

Sammy (Social Media Manager), her hedgehog Quill, and her dog Beau

"I have two awesome creatures that I get to call mine, Beau and Quill. My dog Beau is half Sheepdog and half Poodle (a sheepadoodle for short) and has grown faster than weeds! We brought him home when he was 2 months old and 14 pounds … fast forward a few months and he’s now 10 months old and weighing in at 65 pounds. He loves the dog park, anything peanut butter flavored, and chasing butterflies and leaves.

We’ve had our hedgehog Quill for a little over a year now. He’s nocturnal, so we only get to hangout when the sun goes down. He loves to climb, burrow his way through blanket, and munch on anything banana flavored."

Gina (Senior Account Executive) and her dog Willow

"I first me Willow in July of 2015. I was on vacation in Utah visiting Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Rescue Organization. While on tour, I spotted her out of the corner of my eye. I had no plans of adopting a dog, but could not get her out of my head.

She came home that August & has been by my side ever since. And I wouldn’t have it any other way! Willow is a total Mama's girl. She LOVES going on walks, rolling in the grass, lounging in the sun, deck time & hanging out with her two cat siblings. I can always expect her to greet me with a smile, soulful eyes & a crazy wagging tail each & every day.I can't express how thankful I am that she came into my life!"

Magda (Web Merchandiser) and her dog Presto

Presto just celebrated his 2nd birthday on Jan 15th, he’s an Australian Labradoodle. We got him when he was just 8 weeks old as a birthday surprise for our kids. Since his arrival, my husband and I have looked after him and he’s become our baby and Presto knows it! He’s the best cuddle buddy anyone can have, he gets eager for my husband and I to get into bed. He loves car rides, rolling in the grass and he will do all sorts of tricks for a piece of cheese.

How are you celebrating #NationalLoveYourPetDay? Tag @aerosoles on Instagram for a chance to be featured!